Nov 29, 2010


To all my aunties and uncles, I will come there and visit you.  Do miss me rite? The last time we met was in Eid Mubarak. Kinda busy now lol :) Maybe on this December, I'll be there since sales for Christmas are totally ready. Yeah ! Shopping time, this is the best time to spending money. All my favorite brand please wait for me, can't wait to see you, can't wait to touch you and the most important is can't wait to buy you. Oh you made me crazy. Please, please I'm  begging  you give me such a special price.

Crazy cousins, I heard that all of you will going to that event (ZOUKOUT). Fuck off ! I'm so jealous. Can't be there because I'm working on that day. Jyeahh keep on laughing at me like whatever, i don't mind. Better i spend this $75 for food instead of buying that ticket * actually nak sedap kan hati la kan :(  What ever it is i still love you cousins. Will meet you soon okay !

Seems like someone will read my blog and be jealous with me. Shes act like that because her could not feel like my life. That sick woman only able to used such a typical brand and non-original item. What a shame !

Nov 27, 2010


Hello LOSER,
Tak payah la nak upload konon-konon bahagia ye
Bahagia sangat la kau tu kan
Konon banyak sangat la kawan-kawan kau
Semuanya macam agas :)
Chill okay LOSER
Jangan nak marah-marah
Nanti muka kau yang konon-konon lawa tu berkedut-kedut pulak
Kate nak lawan maki-maki kat dalam blog ni
Jom la tak sabar rasanya

Nov 25, 2010

Nov 24, 2010


Loser you're such a coward, annoying and irritating person. Got it huh ! Talked about me on behind. What a jerk you are. Dare to condemn those in behind but not ahead of him. No wonder you've so many enemies. If you're brave enough prove it to me ( bebual kat blog bukan main gempak lagi ). I'm not loser like you. I'm not such a coward like you fucker. I'm more smart than you, and the most important things is I'm more brave than you. Seriously, I'm not scared at you even your brother. You start first and you deserve it blair. Let start the


Nov 23, 2010

UNDERage a.k.a budak AGAS part 2

To you my dearest bitch, I'm not disturb your life anymore. What else do you want huh ? You still not satisfied with me? Come on let's meet up and finish it. I'm getting tired with all this stupid things.I'm can't stand anymore. You are out of limit slut.  Am I bother you, no rite. So why  you still talked about us. About me and my boyfriends. HAHHAHAHAHAH :)  I know the answer, the truth is you are jealousy with us, with our relationship. You are not happy with your lover. Am I rite ? Oh yeah because your lover is not as good as my lover. He is not honest with you,he betray you on your behind,  he always make you hurt and the most annoying thing when he left you because of other woman. Pity you sucker ! Actually you deserve it lah. When your boyfriends having fun with their friend inside the club, drinking, dancing, hugging, flirting with other girls where are you at that time? At home such like a little kid. Please admit it you're such a jealous, jealousy person.  You're envious because we are such a happy couple.

You know what my boyfriends said about you when you start talked about us. You are such a sick women ! You're envy him because he chose me not YOU . When we see the video that you're create by your own, we're laughing like crazy. You're such a girl that simply trust stranger and easily besotted. Other than that, you said I'm support my boyfriends right ? For your information prostitute, I can do that because I have a lot of money. You can't do like me, you can't bear your boyfriends because you're nothing. You're not rich as me. You're only depend on your boyfriends and your family. You like a kid who act like an adult. Pleas mirror yourself first before judge other people. You're only able to use that brand like **** *** ( Adik aku yang umur 19 tahun pun dah lama guna brand tu. Diorang lagi up to date daripada kau ) OUTDATED person !

Why do you hide your blog. If you're such a brave person just show it to me. You're such a coward and loser. Boo you loser I'm not scared at you like seriously. You start burning the fire and you need to bear it. Even though you're hiding your blog, I still can stalk about you. You just play with the wrong girl. Mark every single words from me.

I dare you if you really a brave person just show it to people. FCUK YOU OFF BULLSHIT !

Nov 21, 2010

UNDERage a.k.a budak AGAS

Good morning lovely readers and also not forget to you bitch my and only one ENEMY fcuk you ! Topic for today UNDER AGE a.k.a BUDAK AGAS. Hahahahhaha :) Well to you blaiirrrrr think first before you said something huh !

Peeps, let judge this statement which one do you prefer :

A man who does not have SPM but honest and good at keeping his girlfriends heart


A man who with SPM but never unfaithful ti his girlfriends and at one time that man left their girlfriends because he has another woman.


To my top follower please read this because this is most important for you duh, one more things let me remind you even though my boyfie do not have SPM certificate but hes not betray me with others girl not like YOURS !!!!  your boyfie like to go clubbing rite ? Do you know what he do inside that club ? So please think about that kids :D

By the way for your information I'm not support my boyfie. He used his own money same like me.  Sometimes both of us treat each other. I'm not depending on my boyfie such like you AGAS.

Last but not least, oh please go to the night clubs one day and see the conditions in it. Can you allow your lover to hugging or dancing with other women ? How can i forget kau kan under age budak- budak lagi mana la bole nak masuk club kan?

Nov 20, 2010

Was walking down the road and encountered an obstacle .
Found out it was someone blocking my path
Said to that someone straight to the face
" Put your pride and ego aside for I'm just here to pass you by "

Can you sayang?
To you my lovely hero :)
I accept you the way you are
I do love you deeply in my heart <3

Nov 5, 2010


Having a good day with you sayang :)
I do miss you *ceh padahal baru je lepas jumpa kan td !
But what to do, my heart want you always be with me, stick with me 
Omg, nadhirah chill okay tunggu kahwin nanti 
Dear, thanks a lot for the kissing . Pheewitt !

Remarks : To you, my number one stalkers !
Be jealous with me, 
Keep on spying me,
Read my blog all the time,
Envy me,

Oh myyy please do so. Do whatever you want till you satisfied. I don't ever give a damn blairrr !!

Nov 4, 2010

THURSDAY please be nice with me !

' Thursday, thursday , thursday !!! '

I wish I could say out loud that I hated you but hatred is never permanent  in my heart to you . But the sight of u irked me now. Please, let the days go faster before the mere mention of even your name makes me wants to puke

Yesterday we fight because of certain things :( Actually not a big thing it was just jokes but jokes that have made him ill and challenged as a man. I'm so sorry sayang for having made you angry because of my stupid jokes. I don't expect we will fight like this. I'm totally down baby.Thought our relationship was ended last night.

I think he does not love and need me in his life anymore. But my assumption is totally wrong.Beginning with a good day, this morning he has called me and ask for an apologize and tell me that he really loved me
so so much !

 I love you so darling, indeed !

Nov 3, 2010

Just wanna say I love you sayang, good nite and have a sweet dream. Take care yourself because I care about you baby. Good Nite !

TOMYAM maggie

The taste was really awesome :D
Credit to me !
Will be such a professional chef one day *Amin !
Pray for my success.

HAHAHAHAH :) Baru masak maggie je dah perasan nak jadi chef. Omg nadhirah !

Nov 2, 2010

Today's routine

9.30        : Wake up from the bed
9.45        : Washing my pretty face and brushing my teeth
10.00      : Breakfast, " Nasi lemak ayam goreng + sambal sotong " nyum nyum !!
11.00      : Send my sister to school
11.15      : Cleaning up my house (sweeping, moping, washing dishes and bla bla bla)
12.50      : Get some rest * I'm fucking tired duh :(
14.00      : Lunch time eat eat and eat. "Sambal udang" Mom's hand made                                                                     *Nice one mommy
14.30      : Watching television
15.30      : Online, online and online
16.30      : Watch television again plus eat pisang goreng and ice cream malaysia
17.45      : Sleep
19.00      : Wake up and take a shower ( wangi already yaww +_+ )
20.00      : Send my sister to tuition
20.15      : Meet HIM but last minute canceled because of some misunderstanding                                                         * dengan pepatah bahasa melayu GADUH la weh !                                                                                 Haih, malas nak layan then straight balik rumah   

One day I will be such a good HOUSEWIFE ! Believe it or not, just wait and see yarh peeps :) 

To you my lovely hubby,
Yenadeee b, I was joking lol ! 
Why are you so touching like a child huh =_=
You are not childish anymore kan? Dah 21 years old
Can distinguish between joking or serious matter, am I rite duh
Pheiiww! Saje je kan nak suruh grl pujuk :)
Sayang, I love you so much, dah-dah la tu merajuk