Nov 21, 2010

UNDERage a.k.a budak AGAS

Good morning lovely readers and also not forget to you bitch my and only one ENEMY fcuk you ! Topic for today UNDER AGE a.k.a BUDAK AGAS. Hahahahhaha :) Well to you blaiirrrrr think first before you said something huh !

Peeps, let judge this statement which one do you prefer :

A man who does not have SPM but honest and good at keeping his girlfriends heart


A man who with SPM but never unfaithful ti his girlfriends and at one time that man left their girlfriends because he has another woman.


To my top follower please read this because this is most important for you duh, one more things let me remind you even though my boyfie do not have SPM certificate but hes not betray me with others girl not like YOURS !!!!  your boyfie like to go clubbing rite ? Do you know what he do inside that club ? So please think about that kids :D

By the way for your information I'm not support my boyfie. He used his own money same like me.  Sometimes both of us treat each other. I'm not depending on my boyfie such like you AGAS.

Last but not least, oh please go to the night clubs one day and see the conditions in it. Can you allow your lover to hugging or dancing with other women ? How can i forget kau kan under age budak- budak lagi mana la bole nak masuk club kan?


Amirah Laili said...

betul tu sayang!!ateh setuju sgt2..hahah...duit boleh cari..ilmu pun boleh dicari..tapi kejujuran tu..kene lahir dr diri sendiri..(okay x?)

Nadhirah said...

Tau takpe ateh. Betul nad pn setuju. Duit bole carik kat mana2 without spm certificate. Nowdays, employer will search the employee based on their experience not the certificate. Thanks sayang!