I love R&B but he likes TECHNO . Errr err can I accept that rhythm ?? =_=' (confusing)
Jul 31, 2010
Jul 21, 2010
Twin Baby Boys Laughing at Each Other
Finally on 20th JULY 2010 at 9.45 a.m if I'm not mistaken everything was done. Alhamdullilah, thanks god for saving my friend's life. . I was excited :) raww. Can't wait to see him and look at her face, kiss her soft cheek and cute lips. To my lovely friend, hopefully u will be a good mommy, take a good care of ur child. HEHE :P
Er er er to all the aunties when u want back to Johor Bahru and visit our new friend ?
p/s : ALISYA ZEYRA, aunt nad love u so much! will meet u syg <3<3<3
Jul 20, 2010
It was like erghh =_='
Jul 17, 2010
si BUNGA part 2
She is already get back with his old boyfie. good for u sayang. hope u will be happy after this. HAHAHAH +_+ disappointed, frustrated with new loves back to your old lover.Bagus la, after this if u gadoh dengan boyfie u tu jangan la nak seduce boyfie orang lain, jangan nak mintak simpati kat orang lain eh BUNGA, peace :)
Jul 11, 2010
Pitty, pitty, pitty of u looser :p
How can I forgot that ur such a famous bitch in this place. oh oh well syg for ur information la kan. I and EX-BOYFIE u tu saje nak kenakan u. u think I didn't know about all the messages ? well cheap girl all the messages yang u dapat pagi tu I yang tulis. Tak kan la u tak kenal writing boyfie u tu syg? how STUPID u are . chill chill ok :) baru ayat sikit cakap rindu, sayang, love u dah CAIR . nak aku show messages-messages kau ke makcik oiii . Dulu ada seekor minah nama sama je dengan nama awak, betina tu murah jugak !! HAHAHA :) aku rasala kan nama macam kau ni memang sesuai la di panggil "MURAH"
Btw peoples, boleh ke u accept someone tu yang u baru kenal and u tak 100% tahu background dia to be your boyfriend ?? and that time the guys tengah ada krisis with his girlfie. tak ke u rasa u ni dipergunakan untuk dia hilangkan rasa boring, sedih and so on? si BUNGA, tak ke awak tu murah sangat, senang gila kan accept orang. how desperate u are honey. u're too childish baby, sedar lah tu. salah ke ape yang I cakap ni?? you sedih + sakit hati + kecewa kan dia tinggal kan u. u deserve all this sayang.
Next time I messages u lagi ok ! yelah nak hilangkan rasa sedih u tu. I pujuk la u cakap sayang, rindu, tak boleh hilang u. BODOH SANGAT LA AWAK NI BUDAK KECIK !
Hell yes, wanna play with me girl ? let's start it :) u don't know me well baby. come come let's meet up, nak kenal I macam mane. AKU NAK KAN KAU, AKU NAK JUMPA KAU. u nak cakap ape time tu u cakap ok! setakat kat blog ni alahai boleh la.
Btw peoples, boleh ke u accept someone tu yang u baru kenal and u tak 100% tahu background dia to be your boyfriend ?? and that time the guys tengah ada krisis with his girlfie. tak ke u rasa u ni dipergunakan untuk dia hilangkan rasa boring, sedih and so on? si BUNGA, tak ke awak tu murah sangat, senang gila kan accept orang. how desperate u are honey. u're too childish baby, sedar lah tu. salah ke ape yang I cakap ni?? you sedih + sakit hati + kecewa kan dia tinggal kan u. u deserve all this sayang.
Next time I messages u lagi ok ! yelah nak hilangkan rasa sedih u tu. I pujuk la u cakap sayang, rindu, tak boleh hilang u. BODOH SANGAT LA AWAK NI BUDAK KECIK !
Hell yes, wanna play with me girl ? let's start it :) u don't know me well baby. come come let's meet up, nak kenal I macam mane. AKU NAK KAN KAU, AKU NAK JUMPA KAU. u nak cakap ape time tu u cakap ok! setakat kat blog ni alahai boleh la.
Kau hapuskan semua yang kita bina(bkn dye yg hapuskan,tp sorg insan yg xdkenali)
kau cakap kau tak tujukan ni untuk aku eh. Meh sini aku tunjukkan sikit :
PERGILAH "H _ _ _ _"
Kosong hidupku tanpamu
Cermin ku membayang bayanganmu
Pameran kasih ku layu
Tiada dirimu tiada untukku
Cermin ku membayang bayanganmu
Pameran kasih ku layu
Tiada dirimu tiada untukku
Tinggalkan ku dalam anganmu
Sakitku mencintaimu
Deritaku merinduimu
Lemah hati menginginkanmu
Sakitku mencintaimu
Deritaku merinduimu
Lemah hati menginginkanmu
Kau hilang terus kau menyepi (tp dye xmhlg pon..stil ade)
Tewasku bila ku ketahui
Berita kau sudah berpunya
Hancur hatiku
Berkeping-keping jadinya
Tewasku bila ku ketahui
Berita kau sudah berpunya
Hancur hatiku
Berkeping-keping jadinya
Hilangku bukan kerana cinta (sy lom nk hlg lg)
Hilangku bukan untuk menyeksa
Bagiku semua tiada berharga
Biarku telan semua derita
Hilangku bukan untuk menyeksa
Bagiku semua tiada berharga
Biarku telan semua derita
Pergilah kau pergi dariku (dr aku nk lpskan dye pergi)
Biarku ku jalani hidup tanpamu
Tiada cinta dan kasihmu
Meski hati merelai (hati aku still lom merelakan)
Biarku ku jalani hidup tanpamu
Tiada cinta dan kasihmu
Meski hati merelai (hati aku still lom merelakan)
Mati hariku di kotak sepi
Di situ kau mula mahu mengenalinya
Langkahku songsang telah ku sedari
Semula ku hias kau jauh dah pergi(dye lom pegi)
Putus komunikasi kau elakkan diri (xlost cntct pon)
Ku mencari jalan kembali kau mahu terus pergi(ini tblik,dye xmahu aku pegi)
Ku ingatkan kau memori kau tutupkan telinga
Nyata tiada kita tiada jalan penyambungnya
Ya Allah maha pemurah dan maha pencipta
Terima kasih atas pertemuan antara aku dan dia
Jika nyata bukan dia pemilik tulang rusukku
Kikiskanlah pesonanya dari kedua mata
Dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangan yang ada
Bahagiakanlah mereka berdua ku doakannya
PadaMu ku pohon sucikan hatiku
Sehinga dapat melaksana kehendak dan rencanaMu
Di situ kau mula mahu mengenalinya
Langkahku songsang telah ku sedari
Semula ku hias kau jauh dah pergi(dye lom pegi)
Putus komunikasi kau elakkan diri (xlost cntct pon)
Ku mencari jalan kembali kau mahu terus pergi(ini tblik,dye xmahu aku pegi)
Ku ingatkan kau memori kau tutupkan telinga
Nyata tiada kita tiada jalan penyambungnya
Ya Allah maha pemurah dan maha pencipta
Terima kasih atas pertemuan antara aku dan dia
Jika nyata bukan dia pemilik tulang rusukku
Kikiskanlah pesonanya dari kedua mata
Dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangan yang ada
Bahagiakanlah mereka berdua ku doakannya
PadaMu ku pohon sucikan hatiku
Sehinga dapat melaksana kehendak dan rencanaMu
H tu untuk siapa bodoh ?
Jul 9, 2010
Jul 7, 2010
KAMPUNGRIAN girl read please :)
Poor you for lost you lovers. I do not mean to write it all but u're forced me to do this. disappointed, sad? u deserve it bitch. Don't u think u're being used? He is just using you while both of us are fighting. How STUPID you are. I already told you don't mess with me. I can describe u as a desperate girl who are thirsty of love and have no dignity. Omg ! I don't think so u need LOVE but I think u need COCK . a big and a black COCK :) HAHAHA :You said I'm immature ? *middle finger !! well hello looser that's yours not mine okay. Wanna show to the world that u have new lover? shame of u. It easier for u to accept him even though u not 100% know about his background. You are so cheaper sayang.
Btw, u only got that picca hoh ? Let me show u something baby. Have a look please please ! Hope u will happy after look all this. cheers!
Okay girl enuff, penat la nak upload all the pictures banyak sangat !enjoy to see this. Wanna play withe me? be pleasure :P we will meet each other darling. Can't wait to see you. I can image how pretty you are when u wearing " BUNGA-BUNGA CINTA" dress.
Btw, u only got that picca hoh ? Let me show u something baby. Have a look please please ! Hope u will happy after look all this. cheers!
Okay girl enuff, penat la nak upload all the pictures banyak sangat !enjoy to see this. Wanna play withe me? be pleasure :P we will meet each other darling. Can't wait to see you. I can image how pretty you are when u wearing " BUNGA-BUNGA CINTA" dress.
Kau hapuskan semua yang kita bina(bkn dye yg hapuskan,tp sorg insan yg xdkenali)
Am I ? execuse me kau sedar tak kau yang hapuskan hubungan orang. Bullshittt !
Jul 5, 2010
Don't mess with me BITCH !
hell yeah ! again and again I will update my blog. 5.25 a.m I still can't sleep.Btw peeps. I want to tell something about this " KAMPUNGRIAN GIRL" eeeyuuuuww, your such a jerk girl. U think u're pretty hottest? *middle finger +_+ u, please la tak paya nak budget u ni perfect sangat . I macam nak letak je pic u kat sini. But then malas la kan ! Nanti u become more famous. Wherever u go PAPARAZZI always follow u :) hah! dress up u lagilah tak bole blah. Setakat baju bunga-bunga cinta Thailand tu alahaiii tu ke yang dikatakan famous sangat? erghh maybe lelaki-lelaki yang suka kat u tu BUTO opss ! buta agaknya kan? or or maybe dorg suka kat u because of u ni kan macam gedik-gedik sikit, suka mintak simpati and so on. That's why la kot. Senang cerita I nak describe u, perempuan murahan laaaa :)
hey BITCH, I saje mixed up bahasa melayu + english nak suruh u pahamkan ! If I translate all to english mybe u tak faham kot. U kan bodoh banyak :) But if I write all in Malay takut u kurang faham coz u kan famous mane setanding dengan diri u tu.
Jul 4, 2010
Brightness :)
Yeah yeah finally everything was settle. Thanks God for helping me :) Dear, I know both of us have the same feeling. Maybe because of pride, stubbornness makes us always fighting, and not understanding But please believe me sayang, the more we fight or away, my feelings for you is more thickened. Hopefully after this we will be more understanding, less fighting and become more matured. I love u more more and more.
Peeps can u please pray for our relationship. Hope that this relationship will be last until the end of my life. Amin !
Bie, I like the way u kiss me like this. wink wink ! * naughty face
Secondly, to one of my bestie BABY ! I love and I need u too. U must know it !! I apologize for all my mistakes that may hurt u. Because of my bad attitude. I'm not deserve to be one of your best friends. Thanks coz being such a good friend of me. Thanks for be patient with me. Thanks coz being such a good listener. Thanks coz help me when I had a problem. Thanks a lot bie <3 I'll appreciate for all the things that u do for me.

Bie, I like the way u kiss me like this. wink wink ! * naughty face
Secondly, to one of my bestie BABY ! I love and I need u too. U must know it !! I apologize for all my mistakes that may hurt u. Because of my bad attitude. I'm not deserve to be one of your best friends. Thanks coz being such a good friend of me. Thanks for be patient with me. Thanks coz being such a good listener. Thanks coz help me when I had a problem. Thanks a lot bie <3 I'll appreciate for all the things that u do for me.
Be patient for all this trials. Ignore what other people say bout u.
They might be jealous with u. As long as u happy with your life.
After this u will be in another world.
U already have an enormous responsibility.
Take a good care of ur child, husband and ur family.
Jul 1, 2010
Alcohol, Ciggerates I need u now !
Seriously, I tak kuat sekarang. Every night nak menangis je !! Tension, tension, tension. I want my old life back. Clubbin, party peoples. alcohol, ciggerates. I want them :( Hahahah Yeah, I will back to my old life. Don't ask me why okay . This is because of YOU, totally about YOU
Hello my sayang, I will meet you after this. I miss you so so much !
It's already 3.07am . Actually I would have been sleeping earlier but suddenly woke up because of too much thinking about you.So, I have decided to write what my heart says. I got the answer! yes, I love you. But how can I tell u that I love you and I need you in my life? I can't lose you.I can't hate u.I don't want to deny u in my mind. I can't lies myself. I can't pretending myself from loving u.I want u hold my hand, hug me when I was in fear, protect me from every bad thing. The true is I want u always beside me :) Sayang, can u forgive me please ! I love u, I really love u and I love love love u so much.Is it too late for me to tell all this ?? am I do the right decision peeps ??
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE,love is wonderfull, love is a natural gift given by God to us. All people need love ! this is what we call the strength of love. For me, LOVE sometimes sucks! love hurt my heart, love makes my life miserable,love makes me crazy .urghhh :'( I hate u love. Why u come to my life?? go away please, please, please. I' begging u.
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