Sep 25, 2010

Eid Mubarak !

Alhamdulillah, I've got to meet you again this year with even better spirits despite the ups and downs during Ramadhan.

This has got to be the most memorable day ever as together hand in hand we thrive through forward as one and much in love.


Sep 20, 2010

Witch oh witch

Okay peeps  back to the same story about the same bitch ! Well hello minah kau suka2 je ek nak sound2 aku mcm ni. Oh kau cakap yang aku terasa apesal kan? Memang la aku terasa bodoh dah sebab memang aku yang maki kau 'TETEK KECIK" "BUDAK SIJIL JE" But it does'nt mean aku buat acc FB lain semata2 nak sound kau. Bullshit !! Minah aku sound kau pn straight forward la. Takda nak selindung2 ni bodoh. Kau tak rasa ke sebenarnya kau ni ramai musuh? Sedar la yang RAMAI ORANG TAK SUKA KAT KAU minah. Aku dah tak usik kau yang kau nak sound2 aku balik pehal? Kalau aku tak puas hati memang aku straight msg or call kau. So sekarang aku tak puas hati dengan kau, so aku straight msg kau kan? Bukan macam kau gebang nak tulis kat  blog terus. Aku pandai sebab tu aku tak buat acc FB lain semata2 nak sound kau. Takda kerja sial. Oh btw aku mintak nama or email budak tu kau tak nak bagi. Asl kecut ? Err ke kau saje nak create cerita ek minah?

Sep 15, 2010

RAMADAN activities


This was my first time learned on how to make lemang. I don't have any experiences like this before. Since I had my new family I learned a lot.


To my new family, brother n sister. Thanks for teaching me. I really appreciate it. I love you and I will not hurt you. That's my promise. Insyallah !

Dear my beloved , Thank you for introduce me to them. I love you so much ! Even though both of us always fighting but I will always pray for our relationship. Amin

Hello Mista

Hell yeah ! I don't even know you .I don't even touch you. Who is the hell are you to said like that to me? Tak payah nak bebual gempak ok.  This is girls talked, so can u please back off and shut up your stinky mouth. You are such a 


Sep 9, 2010


Happy Eid Mubarak to all peoples ! 

Maaf zahir & batin